Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Hobbit, Nerd Rap, and Physicist Destroy the World

 The trailer for the new Hobbit movie has been released and it looks like after all the legal trouble the man behind LOTR has come back and finished with Tolkien's first book "The Hobbit". I think my geek cells started to shake from excitement and I could not containing myself from jumping around, breaking a lamp and posting the trailer to facebook now lets hope the 12 month epic wait will be worth it. With Peter Jackson finishing it up I doubt it will be a let down. Time for me to bust out my LOTR collection kick back with "The Similrion" go through the Hobbit and finish with the LOTR trilogy before the year is over. All so I can watch the movie and bitch about the stuff they didn't put in it and still love because it's the fucking Hobbit in film, that isn't some cheaply made cartoon with horrible voice actors.


 I am a self proclaimed geek and where that badge proudly.   Often I get approached and asked what kind of music I like. Well of course I like to think I like good music regardless of genre. A new genre of music is becoming more and more popular. Geek Music. A lot of it falls under techno and Hip Hop. Recently while chilling at a friends house playing games on steam he introduced me to Your Favorite Martian. A nerdy young chap with amazing rhymes dealing with video games, movies and TV.  He has all animated videos and his songs on Youtube. A rising Youtube celebrity if you will. His music:  geeky, catchy unlike other geek rappers I have heard and couldn't get into. Geek heaven? I say yes.


  Familiar with Dan Brown? No?  How about "The Da Vinci Code". Yea the guy that wrote that...Dan Brown. In his controversial book he writes of a Swedish organization called CERN, claiming this organization created the first network that could receive information and send information to other networks. Other words they created the internet. I did my research and yes, this organization does exist. So what are those genius scientist doing at CERN? How about making devices that can potential destroy the world! How? With a particle accelerator. Now they website states that this is to study the smallest particles known to man and goes on to talk about simulating the big bang through this. Wait! doesnt the big bang require a big explosion! I am not a physicist but that was my conclusion as a commoner.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Animation that feast on your cranium!

 One of my most favorite things in our mass world of entertainment is animated films. Japan started it with the immense action of Gundam and the incorporated toys that gave a challenge to little individuals who needed something more complex than G.I. Joe. Then this amazing company rose called Pixar with an incredible match up...Disney that's when Toy Story was born. Toy Story was simple but it was EPIC! Since, there has been waves of animated films being released. The most popular of animated films are made by Disney/Pixar. With their shadow over the animation market  alot of animated films and shorts that get over looked. Here is the list of some of my personnel favorites. Go check them out if you haven't seen them and if you have Hey! lets chat because we have shared common ground. If there is something missing in here please let me know, chances are I haven't seen it and want to give it a chance.

 1.)  The Mysterious Explorations of Jasper Morello

 Ahoy lads! Grab your aviators and skullcaps to board this steamship of epic steampunk adventure! The Mysterious Explorations of Jasper Morello is a beautiful masterpiece of animation, shadow theater, and steampunk. I couldn't say amazing enough to let you know how amazing this movie was. You can go watch it on the youtube screening room completely FREE! Who don't like free entertainment? In this animated short you are taken through the view of Jasper Morello's journal as he navigates a steamship for a crazed scientist. As I watched this I was only drawn closer to the screen as not to miss a moment. It is a great discussion piece and not a waste of 30 mins.

2.) Sintel

 It always amazes me what open source technology can do. Sintel is a movie made with an open source CAD program known as Blender. The Visuals in this movie are purely beautiful. The story is short and still manages to tap into your emotions. You will want to cry or bring a girl so you can have some....nevermind. You can also find this movie for free on youtube. So go check it out and always support open source software. Download blender and see if you can make great animations like this.

3.) Fantastic Mr. Fox

*Sigh* this film should have been way more popular than it was. Am excellent cast a great storyline with witty humor the whole family could in joy. A sly fox living in a whole wanting a better life so he resorts to stealing chickens fro the meanest farmers known to human and animal alike. I can never look at George  Clooney the same after this movie. Somehow this just fits his personality all to well. So get the cuss out there and watch this film!

 It's a tiny list here, I know but It is an amazing list. If you feel the need to kill time check these out. I feel like the aninmation on this list gets overlooked way to much. If you have any suggestgtion or think something else should be addded here leave it in the comments and I will check it out.

Nerd Love,